T-ara's Hyomin & Jiyeon menangis

T-ara's Hyomin and Jiyeon have revealed some crying selcas. T-ara's Hyomin dan Jiyeon telah mengungkapkan beberapa selcas menangis.
On April 2nd, Hyomin uploaded some selca shots of herself and Jiyeon with crying animation on it. Pada tanggal 2 April, Hyomin upload gambar selca beberapa dirinya dan Jiyeon dengan menangis animasi di atasnya.
The title said, “Park sisters are crying…” They both share the last name Park. Judul berkata, "Park sister menangis ..." Mereka berdua berbagi nama belakang Park. The two shared a picture of themselves “fighting” last month and I guess this is a continuation of that one. Dua berbagi foto diri mereka "bertempur" bulan lalu dan saya kira ini merupakan kelanjutan dari yang satu. They explained their tears, “We finished our juice.” Mereka menjelaskan air mata mereka, "Kami jus kami selesai."
She also shared a picture of them in the practicing room and in the airplane. Dia juga berbagi foto mereka di ruang praktek dan dalam pesawat.
Aren't they cute? Apakah mereka tidak lucu?

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